Lowest Price Guarantee
Did you know that at Allcamps you always book at the lowest price? The prices you see on our website at booking time are never higher than those of the original accommodation provider. It' s guaranteed!

Found your holiday cheaper elsewhere? Within 24 hours of your purchase, if you find the same accommodation, for the same travel dates, at the same campsite for a lower price at the partner the booking is made with (for example Roan or Homair), let us know. Simply mail us a screenshot and we will refund you the difference in price!
To make use of the guarantee, the price must remain unchanged within 24 hours after booking on our site. As prices are dynamic throughout the season and are based on availability by our partners, we cannot guarantee that prices are not adjusted up or down after your booking with us. In a case where a price is discounted on our site after booking, also within 24 hours, the lowest price guarantee is not valid. The lower price must be found on the original accommodation supplier’s website.